2020 SEO Trends You Need to Know | SMART IT Indonesia

2020 SEO Trends You Need to Know

by Heru Setiawan on Jan 21 2020

As we step into the year 2020, there are so many new SEO strategies, tactics, and trends happening. Mastering these SEO tricks will definitely help to boost your site SEO in 2020.

Domain Authoritative

Yes, it is not going anywhere. Domain authoritative now encompasses E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). Therefore, we need to make sure that our site displays these 3 factors.

What you can do with this?

  • Make sure that the articles you are writing about are written by experts. Do not let your articles be written by people who are not expert in it. Ideally, your articles should demonstrate your exprtise in the subject.
  • Be transparent about who you are or your company in the website. Ensure that about page is thorough, contact page has your company information, your privacy and terms of service are updated. If you are writing articles referencing to external sources, please make sure that you cite these external sources.
  • Get Cited. Earn and share your in-depth articles to other websites so that you can get cited or mentioned.

Visual Search

It is not just about the trend. Google Lens cited more than 1 billion objects. People want to know what happens through their photos. You can now take advantage of this increasing visual search to create traffic for your site.

  • Add centered descriptive image at the top of your page that talks about the particular product, service, or topics.
  • ALT attribute and image file name needs to be descriptive.

Video Content

80% of the internet traffic will be video. Therefore, it is important for you to start or continue to focus on improving your video content. In addition, you can optimize your video content by performing the following actions:

  • Clear title and description about your video.
  • Define your video into discrete sections with clear content.
  • Adds transcript to your video.
  • Put these videos in your blog post.
  • If you have YouTube account, grow your YouTube contents. Ensure that your YouTube mentions your website and brand name regularly.
  • Just like other contents, ensure that your contents are in-depth and follow the E-A-T.

Voice Search

Besides visual search, voice search is getting an increase in its usages. 41% of users perform voice search every day and has risen 35x since 2008. 20% of mobile searches are voice searches.

What can we do to optimize for Voice Search?

  • Ranking in voice search requires you to rank high in that particular search intent.
  • Include questions and answers in your articles or blog posts.
  • Have an elaborate FAQs and include categories or topics for each of your question and answer.
  • Don’t forget to include your rich snippets in the article.

Featured Snippets

You cannot deny that most of the Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) are covered by featured snippets. Therefore, it is important that your page has the right rich snippets embedded in them.

Master Search Intent

Google is moving from just keywords / topics based results to intent based results. Therefore, it is important for us to create contents based on the intent of the users.

  • Review the results of the keyword you are targeting. Identify whether most of the result pages are information, comparisons, or ready-to-buy type of landing pages.
  • Once you have learned from the results, publish 1:1 content that are similar to them. Are most of the result pages listicles or in-depth?
  • Reoptimize your old or existing content for these search intent.

Fighting Decreasing CTRs

With the increasing number of featured snippets in Google SERPs especially in mobile SERPs, it is easy to see that the number of clicks through our website is decreasing. According to Search Engine Journal, 34.4% of all desktop searches result in no click while 62.5% of users never click search result links on mobile. *OUCH*

We can fully take advantage of this, if we continue to optimize our sites to “fight” these featured snippets. Some of the tips given are:

  • Use keyword in your URL
  • Use power words (such as “Now”, “Proven”, “Exclusive”, etc)
  • Update your meta keywords consistently.

Other Foundational SEOs

While there are new SEO tactics, the foundational SEO still plays very important role such as:

  • Link building from domains with high domain authoritative.
  • High quality and optimized content.

So, are you ready for 2020 to improve your website SEO? Master these tactics and win new prospects for your site. If you cannot do them all, focus on what matters most to you and which are the low-hanging fruits. Let us know in the comments what you agree and disagree or if we have left anything important.
